
3 Tips for Personal Freedom

When it comes to healing,  The Chopra Center for Wellbeing defines, "The Law of Least Effort," as this: 

Accepting people, situations, and events as they occur. Taking responsibility for your situation and for all events seen as problems and relinquishing the need to defend your point of view. 

How can we use this formula to make an easy and happy life? 

1. Surrender Your Need to Control

First, by accepting people, situations, and events as they occur, we surrender our need to control.  Think about it--what happens when we don't accept people, situations, and events as they occur?  We generally wind up trying to control people and situations! Many have learned from trial and error this universal truth: we can't control others and we often can't control situations.  And "control" is the opposite of "freedom."  When we want to be free, we mustn't control.  Reinhold Niebuhr is the author of this famous prayer of related truth, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

2. Take Responsibility for Your Life

Second, when we take responsibility for our lives, we are no longer held hostage by the past; the present views, opinions, and actions of others; or our fears about the future.  Many mistake the real meaning of "taking responsibility," associating it with self-burden, guilt, and blame.  When we take responsibility, we take charge of our emotions and forgive.  I like to think of forgiving as literally giving back (or "fore" giving) to others the responsibility they may have inappropriately misplaced upon us through wrong-doing.  By forgiving with love, we allow ourselves freedom to move forward.  And we give those who've hurt us the opportunity to heal.  This helps everyone! 

3. Let Go of the Need to Defend Your View

Last, when we relinquish the need to defend our point of view, we can rest easy.  In so doing, we gain confidence, strengthen self-worth, and solidify our godly purpose.  When we can stand firm in the truth of our divine selves, we are ready to serve our world in a profound way.  It is by fulfilling our purpose through service that we gain the greatest joy in life. 

Rebecca's Challenge

For this week's personal development, set an intention to strengthen and develop the characteristics required to live "The Law of Least Effort."  

Essential Oil Tip

Cypress oil supports the free flow of energy. Individuals who feel emotionally stuck may find cypress a great resource. It encourages us to be more flexible and let go of control. It’s also tremendously helpful for bringing up and then releasing deeply stored pain. As a member of the tree family, it provides emotional grounding. Try applying cypress oil to the sternum, starting at the base of the rib cage and moving up to the bottom of the chin.

Enjoy a restful and easy week! 

Rebecca Hintze


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